Topic outline

    • Using templates in Mahara

      Mahara as an ePortfolio tool allows learners to create and publish their pages from scratch, as well as from a template. Templates help in a number of ways as they provide a starting point or framework from which the learners can progress.

      Templates in Mahara can be used in a number of ways:

      1. Site templates:
        Templates that 'just appear' in a users' Portfolios and collections page that are there for them to use throughout their studies, such as a CV or Personal Development logbook. You can get to these by going to Admin > Configure site > Pages and collections. When creating a page make sure that the access settings are configured to show 'Copy to new accounts' as Yes:

      2. Group templates:
        Templates created by lecturers to be pushed out to a group of specific users. Remember you can put placeholder blocks onto a page and let your learners decide what content type they'd like to present:

      Don't forget you can also make a template copyable too! This can be shared via Secret URL by email or via your VLE/LMS.

      There are a number of other template features that be useful such as the locking of blocks to stop learners accidentally deleting them, and the ability to add blocks such as the journal which can then be copied across when a learner first logs in.

      Mahara 20.10 has recently been released, and with it comes some real cool functionality. You can read more on my recent blog post:

    • A small gift for your Mahara for December the 2nd brought to you by Sam Taylor from Catalyst IT Europe.