Topic outline

    • Training Sandbox

      Have you ever needed to run a training session with a live course, or provide staff with a sandbox area for them to try things out on?

      Have you ever wished you could reset that course back to its pristine state?

      Well, of course you always could, backup and restore has always allowed you to do that. BUT what if you have a staff of several hundred, all with their own sandbox space, or a single sandbox space that you want or need to leave available over a prolonged period of time? It may not always be practical to make use of manual backup and restore tools.

      That's where the Sandbox plugin comes in.

      Create your course, back it up and upload the backup into the Sandbox settings page (named per the shortname of the target course) and set the frequency of restores on the scheduled task list.

      That's it.

      Your course will revert to its pristine state stored in the backup file according to whatever schedule you may have set. There are options to include/exclude users, so if those are included in the backup file, whether as demo users, or exemplar teacher/students used in a training course, then they will be part of the restoration of the sandbox.

      The plugin looks at all the backups it has had loaded, matches the backup filename against the short courses on your site, and restores those that match. There's no need to add any settings on an individual course, just provide the backup of that course in the plugin settings.

    • Sandbox image  Sandbox image 2

    • A small gift for your Moodle for December the 7th, brought to you by Richard Oelmann from Catalyst IT Europe. 
      Richard Oelmann, Senior Solutions Consultant, Catalyst Europe